La Boussole des Brumes


Release 3

Incarnez Quentin et quittez votre morne quotidien de collégien. Par-delà cette mystérieuse librairie apparue en une nuit s'offre à vous tout un monde onirique et cauchemardesque. Qu'allez-vous y accomplir ?

La Boussole des Brumes was created with Inform and has IFID 6F86F908-4F35-4793-A444-C679ABC1720F. To play a work like this one, you need an interpreter program: many are available, among them Zoom for Mac OS X and for Unix; Windows Frotz or Windows Glulxe for Windows. Or you can play without downloading anything by following the 'Play In-Browser' link, using the Vorple interpreter. You'll need to have Javascript enabled on your web browser.